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RSS 49ers Paradise Syndicated Content
THIS CONTENT IS COPYWRITED, REDISTRIBUTION OF IT (including copy/pasting it to a message board, forum or bbs) IS PROHIBITED AND COULD RESULT IN LEGAL ACTIONS - feel free to quote up to 1 paragraph providing a source link to is included
What is RSS? Syndication?
Simply put, RSS allows sites, like 49ers Paradise, to distribute content to other websites and news readers. This feature allows users like you to have the content of the site 'come to you' instead of you having to find the content. Although not a replacement for visiting 49ers Paradise, RSS will help you recognize when the site is updated, and improve the flow of information to you.
How can I use 49ers Paradise RSS?
There are many ways to use the 49ers Paradise News Feed. I will detail some of the more popular methods below. I would however consider using this feature as an add on to the site, and not as a supplement to it. You'll quickly recognize that the fastest way to get information you want is to visit 49ers Paradise, and to use RSS to remind you to stop by, or to quickly surf the headlines (which are linked to content) when you are time crunched. This feature is free.
What do I need to use 49ers Paradise RSS?
You don't need much to make us of RSS, and what you do need is typically free. You can use RSS in conjuntion with a free webrowser - Firefox, with free services like MY Yahoo, My MSN, and Google/IG, or you can download free desktop news readers (search for them, they are out there). Whatever method you decide to use, the process is fairly simple to get up and running, and the results are quite rewarding.
Can I use the 49ers Paradise RSS on my website?
The short answer is no. The long answer is contact me by e-mail. I have configured the RSS feed to only work on MY Yahoo, MY MSN, and GOOGLE/IG for the time being. I am open to adding more sites to this by request, depending on the amount of bandwidth the feed will require.
Is this feed standard compliant?
Yes, the 49ers Paradise RSS feed is RSS 2.0 XML compliant and has been approved by ATOM.
Further Questions...Email Me
The How To's...
For those of you who simply want the URL for the feed, here it is. You likely also know what to do with it:
Using a My Services Page
If you use My Yahoo or My MSN, simply click the appropriate button and follow the on screen instructions that pop up in the new window. If you use Google/Ig click "Add content" or "Personalize your Google homepage" on your Google homepage. Click "Create a Section" in the list that appears and a text box will be displayed for you to "enter a feed." Paste into the text box and click "Go."
+ MyYahoo!
Firefox Browser Live Bookmark
Firefox a free browser available at has a feature called Live Bookmark. Using the site's RSS feed, Firefox can create a bookmarks folder that contains automatically updated entries.
Simply click the orange RSS at the bottom right corner of your Firefox browser, and then click the option to subscribe to the feed title. The feed will then show up within your new bookmark.

For help with 49ers Paradise's Podcast, Please Click Here
RSS 49ers Paradise Syndicated Content
THIS CONTENT IS COPYWRITED, REDISTRIBUTION OF IT (including copy/pasting it to a message board, forum or bbs) IS PROHIBITED AND COULD RESULT IN LEGAL ACTIONS - feel free to quote up to 1 paragraph providing a source link to is included
What is RSS? Syndication?
Simply put, RSS allows sites, like 49ers Paradise, to distribute content to other websites and news readers. This feature allows users like you to have the content of the site 'come to you' instead of you having to find the content. Although not a replacement for visiting 49ers Paradise, RSS will help you recognize when the site is updated, and improve the flow of information to you.
How can I use 49ers Paradise RSS?
There are many ways to use the 49ers Paradise News Feed. I will detail some of the more popular methods below. I would however consider using this feature as an add on to the site, and not as a supplement to it. You'll quickly recognize that the fastest way to get information you want is to visit 49ers Paradise, and to use RSS to remind you to stop by, or to quickly surf the headlines (which are linked to content) when you are time crunched. This feature is free.
What do I need to use 49ers Paradise RSS?
You don't need much to make us of RSS, and what you do need is typically free. You can use RSS in conjuntion with a free webrowser - Firefox, with free services like MY Yahoo, My MSN, and Google/IG, or you can download free desktop news readers (search for them, they are out there). Whatever method you decide to use, the process is fairly simple to get up and running, and the results are quite rewarding.
Can I use the 49ers Paradise RSS on my website?
The short answer is no. The long answer is contact me by e-mail. I have configured the RSS feed to only work on MY Yahoo, MY MSN, and GOOGLE/IG for the time being. I am open to adding more sites to this by request, depending on the amount of bandwidth the feed will require.
Is this feed standard compliant?
Yes, the 49ers Paradise RSS feed is RSS 2.0 XML compliant and has been approved by ATOM.
Further Questions...Email Me
The How To's...
For those of you who simply want the URL for the feed, here it is. You likely also know what to do with it:
Using a My Services Page
If you use My Yahoo or My MSN, simply click the appropriate button and follow the on screen instructions that pop up in the new window. If you use Google/Ig click "Add content" or "Personalize your Google homepage" on your Google homepage. Click "Create a Section" in the list that appears and a text box will be displayed for you to "enter a feed." Paste into the text box and click "Go."
Firefox Browser Live Bookmark
Firefox a free browser available at has a feature called Live Bookmark. Using the site's RSS feed, Firefox can create a bookmarks folder that contains automatically updated entries.
Simply click the orange RSS at the bottom right corner of your Firefox browser, and then click the option to subscribe to the feed title. The feed will then show up within your new bookmark.

For help with 49ers Paradise's Podcast, Please Click Here
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